Come join us on a Journey of Understanding in 2018
The Holy Land is rich in historical treasures, natural beauty, deep spiritual significance and
warm-hearted people. As the heartland of our faith it abounds with opportunities for deeper
insight into the truths of Scripture and the teachings of Jesus. At the same time, it is a land
locked in a conflict that has defied resolution for over 60 years and remains a cause of
political and religious division that affects us all.
In 2018, we are offering two different trips to the Holy Land.
The Journey of Understanding trips began in 2003. From the experiences of the Reconciliation Walk where people met and listened to Middle Easterners of all walks of life and faith, Cathy designed a 10 day trip that would help visitors to the Holy Land experience both the historical places of faith and visit with the "living stones". Our aim is that we would meet both Israelis and Palestinians who are working for peace in the region and who can inspire us to support their efforts. We also want to interact with both Israeli and Palestinian Christians who seek to live reconciled lives. In listening to the stories of these people of the Land, we hope that our lives will be changed in how we seek to live out our faith both at home and in relationship to the world.
There is much to be learned from this region of the world so come travel with us this coming year.
Friday, May 25 - Sunday, June 3, 2018
This 10 day trip will include travel to Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Masada, and the Galilee and participation in Christ at the Checkpoint Conference in Bethlehem. The conference theme will be Jesus Christ at the Center.
Friday, October 26 - Sunday, November 4, 2018
This 10 day trip includes 3 days in Jerusalem, 3 days in Bethlehem, 1 day to Masada and Dead Sea, and 3 days in the Galilee.
Our trips normally have a leadership team of Cathy Nobles, Scott Tjernagel and Marianne and Steve Smith of Ta'Shuf.
For Further Information on the itinerary, prices and general questions and to make a reservation contact me at